Article archive

Esophagitis Heartburn and Reflux, Result of Poor Eating Habits

06/06/2012 15:05
Although inflammation of the esophagus may occur due to infection, is more likely to occur for heartburn and reflux. If left untreated can cause considerable discomfort, difficulty swallowing, malnutrition, dehydration and formation of scar tissue. Burning sensation behind the breastbone and...

Trichotillomania Impulse Control Disorder, Victim of Anxiety

06/06/2012 14:41
An estimated 4% of people, mostly children, they pull out their hair when they feel anxiety, and that generates them and aesthetic problems of adaptation that can lead to social isolation. This behavior is reversible, although the treatment can be difficult. Trichotillomania is a disorder...

Infertility Problem, Importance of Prevention Strategies for Sexually Transmitted Infections

29/05/2012 17:30
It should be clarified that not every episode of pelvic inflammatory disease produces chronic injuries (permanent or long term), but the risk exists. First, a woman with a gynecological problem is more likely to have recurrent infections and suffer pain in the lower abdomen...

Diabetes Stroke a Metabolic Syndrome and an Epidemic of 21 Century

29/05/2012 17:25
Serious health problems such as hypertension, diabetes and stroke have common origin: the metabolic syndrome, increasingly common condition that is caused by hereditary factors, obesity and physical inactivity. Know your expressions and forewarned. The scientific and technological advances of...

Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Fertility at Risk

29/05/2012 17:21
This is an infection of the female pelvic organs, i.e. uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes, which can cause pain, trouble getting pregnant and other life-threatening conditions. The best way to cope is undoubtedly prevention. The anatomical and functional characteristics of the female body...

Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, How your Heart work for Quality Life

29/05/2012 17:18
"Insulin is like a 'key' that unlocks the cell wall allowing the passage of nutrients, but there comes a time that leaves open the 'doors' that allow the passage of sugar inside cells and stays in the bloodstream. This phenomenon is known as insulin resistance or insulin resistance, and is the...

Hearing loss, Excess Fat and Sugar

29/05/2012 17:14
It is true that high glucose levels, cholesterol and triglycerides are responsible for diabetes, stroke and kidney damage, but it is also true that before you have any of these problems, first victim may be heard. If we ask you to consider what the worst enemy of our ears is, it's likely that...

Women Sexual Desire, How Sexuality is Lived

17/05/2012 11:00
Part of being a woman In our society it is common for motherhood reinforce the image of women, and even have an erection is a form of masculine identity, but despite its value in sexuality, it seems that the orgasm would have stripped their unquestionable importance to women. Sexologist says...

Body Position and Tips for Using your Computer

17/05/2012 10:55
After I use the computer feels eyestrain, headaches and back pain or other discomfort? If yes, please note that this condition is very common in those who work long time with this tool, but it is also possible to avoid it. Any student, modern secretary or clerk know that much of the work...

Stroke Problem, Warning Signs and Risk Factors of Stroke

17/05/2012 10:52
Risk factors should pay close attention to the symptoms and seek immediate medical attention. Some strokes are preceded by warning signs called transient ischemic attacks (TIA), which are characterized by temporary interruption of blood flow within the brain or its surrounding regions. Among...
Items: 31 - 40 of 80
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