Erectile Dysfunction Problem, How to get Longer Erection

12/06/2012 12:59

Erectile dysfunction is not the only problem that can affect erections as physiological, psychological, and certain drugs also come to influence.

Sometimes is very short and in others, simply does not occur, which can respond to various factors. "The reflex erection is not dependent on the will of men, as it is scientifically proven to be erotic stimuli occur and not sexual either, men can feel much sexual desire and excitement, but do not have the erectile response".

This problem may be associated with diabetes mellitus (increased blood sugar levels because the body's inability to take advantage), hypertension (high blood pressure), prostate disease, spinal cord injuries, smoking, low levels of testosterone and administration of some drugs.
"To this must be added an emotional causes, among which are anxiety, fear of performance, the memory of having ever failed and overuse".

Problem of blood supply
From the organizational point of view, the major cause of erection problems in vascular type, followed by neurogenic deficiency (related to damage nerve terminals). "Any disorder that causes damage to the nerves or impairs blood flow to the penis can cause dysfunction, whose incidence increases with age".

Therefore, it is important to an erection requires precise sequence of events, which includes nerve impulses in the brain, spinal column and area around the penis, and response of muscles, fibrous tissues, veins and arteries in around the corpora cavernosa (two columns of erectile tissue located in the upper limb, which fill with blood during erection).

Among the disorders that can damage these structures are kidney diseases, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis (damages the central nervous system, consisting of brain and spinal cord), dyslipidemia (abnormal blood fat concentration) and the aforementioned diabetes mellitus and hypertension, and other less common, such as sleep apnea and thyroid gland dysfunction (located in the neck) and adrenal glands (above the kidneys).

Smoking and alcohol
Another hidden enemy of erection is certainly snuff addiction, "as it encourages the development of vascular disorders because it narrows the diameter of the arteries and impairs the capacity of the valves of the penis to retain blood effectively".

The expert adds that nicotine can increase fat deposits and formation of microthrombi (tiny blood clots) inside the arteries and veins of the body, including persons responsible for carrying blood to the penis when erect. "It has been proven that smoking not only has consequences over the years, but, after smoking two cigarettes, contraction is generated in the pudendal arteries (located in the pelvis), which hinders the passage of blood the corpora cavernosa of the penis".

In this context, it also highlights the effects of alcohol, which impairs long-term nervous system, leading to cause permanent erectile dysfunction. "Also, many men have defective sperm and low sperm production".

Moreover, sometimes the problem stems from psychological disturbances, but these are the least (20 to 30% of cases). To understand how they affect sexuality, consider that it is closely related to the psyche and emotions of the person, so that any change will affect the erectile response. "Therefore, stress, fatigue, depression and marital conflict, family and work can hinder erection, even in young men".

They also cause damage situations often create tension in men, as having good performance close or make the woman reaches orgasm. Similarly, there are times when the conversation or comments uncomfortable during sex can cause loss of erection.

First of all, the important thing is that the affected male have an accurate diagnosis by a specialist (urologist) who will consider the factors mentioned above, will perform relevant physical examination and commissioning studies.


For many men, changes in lifestyle can help improve the quality of your erections, so the urologist recommends:

* Reduce or eliminate consumption of snuff and alcohol.
* Sleep 8 hours a day.
* Exercise and a balanced feed.
* Keep under control chronic diseases such as hypertension and diabetes mellitus.

"If a man suspects that erection problem could be associated with any medications you are taking, it is important to talk to your doctor, whether to reduce the dosage or change it for another. Also, when are the cause emotional disturbances, it is recommended practice relaxation exercises to channel stress, but it is not enough you'd better go with a mental health specialist".

Currently there are three types of drugs to treat erection problems, which are safe and effective, however, must be prescribed by the urologist and / or sex therapist.

Read more on remedies for erectile dysfunction and Nocturnal Emission Treatment. And more about how to increase sexual desire.