Esophagitis Heartburn and Reflux, Result of Poor Eating Habits
Although inflammation of the esophagus may occur due to infection, is more likely to occur for heartburn and reflux. If left untreated can cause considerable discomfort, difficulty swallowing, malnutrition, dehydration and formation of scar tissue.
Burning sensation behind the breastbone and pain that comes on the chest and may spread to neck and throat, are the main symptoms experienced by people with oesophagitis, who look like hell when meals and bedtime.
"Such discomfort usually occur during food intake or when you lie, moreover, the heat gets to be accompanied by regurgitation of stomach contents into the mouth (GERD) or excessive salivation" and stresses that sometimes this condition can be difficult to distinguish from chest pain caused by heart disease (angina, caused by insufficient blood flow to the heart).
The esophagus is the muscular tube with thin walls, lined internally with mucous membrane that connects the throat to the stomach. The food is low due to the force of gravity, but due to a rhythmic wave of muscular contraction and relaxation, called peristalsis.
"Near the junction of the throat to the esophagus is a muscular band called the upper esophageal sphincter? Slightly above the esophagus to the stomach is another band of muscle called the lower esophageal sphincter".
When the esophagus is at rest, these sphincters contract so that food and stomach acid flow back into the mouth not. During swallowing, these structures are relaxed to allow food to pass into the stomach.
It is important to note that the stomach lining protects you from the effects of their own acids. Because the esophagus lacks this structure, the gastric acid flows back to it causes pain, swelling, and various injuries.
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Acid coming up...
Reflux esophagitis is caused by regurgitation of gastric juice substance called pepsin, which hurts the lining of the esophagus, with frequent production of erosive lesions and ulcers. This condition is characterized by diffuse inflammation of the esophagus that may occur with gastric or duodenal ulcer or hiatal hernia (when a portion of the stomach protrudes into the chest through a hole that is located in the diaphragm).
The acid flows back when the lower esophageal sphincter does not function properly, so when lying down, the force of gravity contributes to reflux.
The degree of inflammation caused by reflux depends on the acidity of the stomach content, volume of gastric acid entering the esophagus and its capacity to remove regurgitated fluid.
The pain may be perceived as burning or tightness, which typically occurs when you swallow food or liquids. A typical symptom of muscular disorders of the esophagus is severe pain accompanying oppressive difficult swallowing hot or cold beverage.
Pain during swallowing may result from any of the following problems:
* Destruction of the esophageal lining (mucosa), as a result of inflammation caused by acid reflux from the stomach.
* Throat infections by bacteria, viruses or fungi.
* Tumors, chemicals or muscle disorders such as achalasia (a rare disease of the esophagus that is characterized by abnormal enlargement of it) and diffuse esophageal spasm (disorder peristalsis).
Early detection
Every person with gastro-esophageal reflux and, therefore, esophagitis, should not take lightly the condition, "and that complications of acid upstream of a segment include narrowing of the esophagus (a condition known as esophageal peptic stricture), esophageal ulcer and induction of precancerous changes in the lining of the esophagus".
Moreover, inflammation of the esophagus can make swallowing painful or bleeding is usually light, but also can be massive. It is therefore essential that the medical gastroenterologist recommended establishing the diagnosis and treatment early, thus avoiding more serious problems.
Custom solution
To relieve reflux can take several steps, for example, an elevation of the head of the bed (about 15 centimeters) during sleep, you can return the acid into the esophagus. It is also useful to avoid the use of irritants: coffee, alcohol, spicy, fat, chocolate, snuff and condiments.
Remember that if the reflux is disrupting your life, you need to go to a gastroenterologist, a specialist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment which will prevent undesirable complications.
Read more on natural remedies for heartburn reflux and how to relieve constipation. And more about Colon Cleanser Remedies.