General Principles for Basic life Support in Adults
For the victim of cardiac arrest, it is vital the rapid succession of the first links in the chain of survival:
• Ensure the accident scene, analyze the situation and activate the emergency medical service.
• Perform basic life support maneuvers (BLS) until the arrival of advanced life support (ALS).
Or assess the status of consciousness.
Or opening of the airway.
Rate or breathing.
Alert unemployed or not breathing.
Performing chest compressions or swift and bold.
Or Rescue breathing.
Sequence compressions or ventilations 30/2.
Or early defibrillation.
• Staff expertise not perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) instrument. The levels of CPR instruments depend on the degree of responsibility and training of personnel.
The cardiac arrest is one of the most common causes of death in Europe Countries. As can be various causes which can lead to this situation, prevention includes various aspects such as a healthy lifestyle, by exercising and avoiding a sedentary lifestyle, a proper diet rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetables, grains and low in animal fats , moderate salt intake does not start or quit harmful habits.
Moreover, the prevention of accidents in the workplace and domestic, along with compliance with road rules and safe driving help to reduce this emergency situation.
On the other hand, children and victims of major trauma, choking, drowning or overdose, it is often the cause of unemployment is choking. In this case, it is essential to ventilate the patient.
Chain of Survival
The chain of survival is the concatenation of a series which, occurring in the right order in the shortest time possible, send the patient who has suffered a cardiopulmonary arrest (CPA) in the best conditions to be overcome.
Basic Life Support
Its object is to maintain a low oxygenation of vital organs by expired air ventilation and chest compressions. Should be made the following assessments:
Assessment of the level of consciousness
Before approaching someone, the first is the assessment of the scene, avoiding unnecessary risks. To analyze the level of consciousness we will approach the victim and ask, what happens? While gently shake the shoulders. If the victim responds is deemed to be aware if not, determine who has lost consciousness.
In the victim conscious, there are two situations that can be life threatening immediately: severe and exsanguinations hemorrhage, and possible obstruction of the airway foreign body obstruction. In other cases, you must leave the victim in the position found, trying to know is happening and to help. Alert you to emergency medical service if price and evaluate the situation frequently.
In the unconscious victim, there is a generalized loss of muscle tone and the subsequent drop to the ground. The tongue can be moved back and loss of tone of the soft palate can block the airway. This is very common and is a major cause of death in a supine person with transient loss of consciousness. Action in these cases is to precede screaming help, open the airway using head tilt chin: This is done by placing the victim in the supine position and resting one hand on the forehead to tilt their head back, neck, and the index and middle finger of your other hand lift the chin to open the airway.
Assessment of the ventilation
Maintaining head tilt-chin, will approach our cheek to the victim's mouth to hear the exhaust from the mouth of the victim, see the chest rise with respiratory movements on the cheek and feel the air exhaled.
In the first moments of cardiac arrest victim can often make some attempt to breathing or puffing, which should not be confused with normal breathing. Must see, hear and feel for no more than 10s. If there were any doubt whether breathing is normal or not, act as if it were not.
If the victim is breathing normally get in recovery position and send or go to seek help in addition to frequently check breathing.
If not breathing normally send someone for help. If we are alone momentarily abandon the victim to alert the emergency medical service
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