Sex and Meditation- Pleasure of Life

06/07/2012 13:59

Sex and meditation are more closely related than it seems. I discovered a new way of understanding. After many years practicing meditation we can even learn how ignoring us... And what they deserved rest.

At first glance, meditation and sex appear to have little in common. After all, when you are meditating, what you do is relax the mind freeing of thousands of thoughts, especially those sexy thoughts that distract us. We believe in sex as primary and see meditation as a spiritual and philosophical. Too many people are poles apart.

But it turns out sex and meditation yes they are but two sides of the coin. According to a scientific study when you meditate or have sex, almost as half right brain active. What is most surprising? What is surprising is that the left is the one associated with pleasure, not right.

Then, what is it that sex and meditation have in common? That both make us less concerned when we practice and make us lose both activities completely, even for a moment, we override the anxiety, doubts, and fears. The Sex pleasure not just physical but also a way to eliminate our stress, just as doing meditation.

Meditation can help you improve your sex life like any other area of your life "The less you think when you are having a sex have more pleasure ".

If you want a fuller life and more successful start to meditate. It is very easy. Meditation is not only the image that many people have, that is, get in position "lotus" and start saying "om". It's more than that. If you've never done meditation before, you can start with a guided meditation, which should play on your MP3 player. You can do lying in bed or sitting, but it is important that you do in a moment you know you will not be disturbed. Hit the "play" and wonder in the world of meditation, just listen to the voice that will guide you throughout the process.

For a much more effective meditation I suggest you do just when you open your eyes or just when you're about to sleep. The results will surprise you if you do at least three times a week. There are meditations for many times, choose whichever is right for you. Like sex, meditation requires dedication and perseverance.

So, what are you waiting for? Start today!
So if you think that meditation one has to do with incense and candles you're missing the truth. Think deeply ... Meditation has a face sexier than you think. Like sex game!

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina

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