Sexuality Pleasure of Life, Reasons behind Low Sexual Performance and Desire

10/05/2012 11:20

Sometimes the older people face social and cultural barriers to exercise their sexuality, and physical changes and diseases that affect their intimate encounters. However, these impediments have solutions.

Make it clear that there are many taboos and prejudices about the sexuality of older people based on social stereotypes that influence and beguile the old, the images of the tender grandma or grandpa is a big boy, common in many society, they end up believing they are asexual individuals.

These observations are biased or ill-founded (for example, is believed to decrease the frequency of intercourse they end up disappearing altogether), which go hand in hand with the idea that an elderly individual becomes useless. Older people become fearful and withdrawn, and hide behind diseases that in no way affect their sexual performance, just to avoid stress and nervousness that it generates insecurity.

There are certainly serious illnesses such as heart and lung, affecting the general health, but it is clear that many patients use these conditions only as an excuse to avoid your partner because it does not really affect the long-term sexual performance.

Thus, although in some individuals there is the feeling of failure and danger to relations after suffering a heart attack, for example, fortunately today's medical science has a number of resources (drugs, surgery) to deal with these evils, and is known that one or two months after suffering it can resume sexual activity safely, and very few reasons to indicate abstention.

No matter if it lasts
Broadly speaking, we can say that there are diseases during the mature stage and age that affect the body and therefore interfere with sexual response, such as diabetes, hypertension and metabolic disorders, hormonal and nervous system, but all can be treated by doctors, endocrinologists and geriatricians, who have the necessary resources to address and improve the lifestyle of their patients.

In this elderly also tend to be problems such as prostatic hypertrophy (enlarged prostate), which is corrected by surgery. While it is true that after the operation is less abundant ejaculation because semen goes into the bladder and is eliminated with the urine, the truth is not harmful and pleasure in relationships is identical.

Interventions that do have consequences are related to prostate cancer. After them, the patient may experience impotence, but specialized medical help solve this problem relatively easily.

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In women, hysterectomy or removal of the uterus is the equivalent operation to the operation of the prostate and is performed when fibroids or benign tumors, cervical cancer or malignant tumor, and severe bleeding due to hormonal changes, among other reasons. After surgery, many patients beguile by misinformation and consider the uterus as part of their sexual life, which is false, because the female body serves only as a "container" housing a baby.

However, operations in that part of the body, as well as fallopian tubes or ovaries have no influence on orgasm, arousal, pleasure or sexual desire, and the effects that women might feel after these operations are strictly psychological. Therefore, we recommend talking with a gynecologist or sex therapist to remove doubts and fears about it.

Special mention should mastectomy surgery that involves removing all or part of a female breast. Although the agency has the same capacity for sexual response than ever, they can lose the desire or feel they are no longer attractive, so it is very helpful to talk with those who have gone through such intervention.

Other conditions that may have the men, although less frequent, are the Peyronie's disease, which deforms the organ and causes a bend to either side, can be very painful during erection and intercourse. Remedied by surgery and placement of prosthesis, and only rarely goes away by it.

Similarly, the infection balanitis or penile skin covering the glans occurs because the latter very long, because they're dirty and diabetes. Your treatment may vary, ranging from daily cleaning to surgery (circumcision), but if left untreated can cause pain in erection and penetration.

Finally, we say that the sexual response of women at this age is usually normal, but their relationships can become painful due to lack of lubrication. This is perhaps one of the most simple, as there are products (gel) specially created to overcome this drawback. Not irritating, are accessible and allow the couple enjoy sex, but it is worth the view of the gynecologist or geriatrician.

As can be seen, all these conditions are treated, whose only obstacle is the misconceptions held about the elderly. We know from surveys that seniors who wish to maintain an active sex life can do so with little or no limitation, if they have adequate support and guidance, and as in any relationship in every stage of life where communication, understanding and affection your partner is present. After all, accompany, sharing and listening are qualities any explicit sexual act.

Read more on how to improve sex life and remedies to treats low sexual drive problem. And more info about how to build sexual stamina