What is Asthma, Let See Myths and Misconceptions about Asthma Disease

13/03/2012 11:48

Despite its prevalence has doubled in the last decade, it is known one of the worst diseases. To avoid risks, nothing likes clear ideas.

The best way to understand asthma is to clarify the many myths and misconceptions about the disease that are circulating. Differentiate between truth and falsehood can be vital.

Myth 1: The symptoms soon reveal the disease.
False. Although people associate asthma to dyspnoea (Difficulty breathing), wheezing (wheezing), constant need inhalers ... symptoms may not be so clear. In fact, the frequent absence of clear symptoms explained that so many asthmatics undiagnosed. What clues can give the alarm? One is the cough. If a person coughs with exercise, if you have nocturnal cough if you cough on exposure to cold or when we laugh or cries, you should consult your doctor: it may be asthma.

Myth 2: Asthma is cured.
False. "Although it has effective treatment, asthma has no cure so far, “According to research statics, It is true that many people with asthma in childhood see that the symptoms subside almost completely upon reaching adulthood, but is also a fact that these symptoms may recur later in life. "

Myth 3: A bit of coughing, wheezing from time to time ... Asthma is a disease as serious.
False and true. The Asthma is a serious and unpredictable. Mild to moderate symptoms can become severe without warning and require hospitalization or even cause death.

Myth 4: drugs for asthma are worse than the disease itself.
False. A dangerous myth! While oral steroids have undesirable side effects, when asthma requires oral steroids the medication is better than the alternative possible: hospitalization and even risk death. Today, with the exception of oral steroids, most drugs for asthma have few side effects and even these tend to disappear within weeks of taking them. "Now, humanized monoclonal antibodies open a new door in the treatment of patients with severe asthma (those living with constant fear of hospitalization and life-threatening crises. "The novelty is that they act in the cause of asthma symptoms allergic (Which includes 90% of cases of asthma), and in particular, blocking the immunoglobulin E, or IgE, thereby takes place prevents the cascade of inflammatory responses characteristic of the disease. “Studies indicate that these new drugs reduce by half the income in the emergency room, reduce the need for inhaled corticosteroids and significantly improved lung function and quality of life of patients.

Myth 5: asthma is inherited, but not contagious.
True. Asthma is an autoimmune disease (caused by a bad response from the defense to substances or situations that should not cause inflammatory reactions that cause), and therefore is not contagious. However, those with family history of asthma or Allergies have higher than average risk of developing the disease.

Myth 6: There asthma when there is trouble breathing. But asthma comes and goes, and there are times where the patient does not have asthma.
False. Always is an asthmatic. Asthma is a chronic disease and airway inflammation is present, even in the absence of symptoms. Today we know that if the patient is not controlled, inflammation can end up causing lung damage and deterioration of lung function. As asthma is always present, many people need to take medication daily to control symptoms and prevent attacks.

Myth 7: Asthma is linked to emotions.
True. Emotions do not produce asthma, but an episode of crying, stress, Laugh, cry, fear ... can stimulate the asthmatic symptoms.

Myth 8: Simply use the inhaler when presenting symptoms of suffocation.
False. You must use the inhaler at the first sign of symptoms. An important caution: if you are using inhaler more than twice a week to treat the symptoms of asthma, May mean that your asthma is well controlled.

Myth 9: Moving to a different climate can relieve.
True ... in part. While the move to a different climate may temporarily relieve symptoms of asthma, the lungs become sensitized end also to the new environment. With the change, there may be new asthma triggers and may even worsen.

Myth 10. Each case of asthma is different, what triggers symptoms in some, others are not affected.
True. In some people, the trigger is the allergy to cats or mold. In others, it can be exercise, exposure to cleaning products, smoke, even the flu itself. Some factors are so elusive, that the patient never gets identified. In either case, the result is always the same: there is a constriction and inflammation of the airways that makes it hard for air to the lungs and from the lungs. The whistles typical of asthma are difficult due to the passage of air through these channels constricted and blocked air in the alveoli. As for the attacks can be mild or severe and last for minutes, hours or days. They can occur at any time but are common at night. Sometimes symptoms are preceded by heralds, sometimes happen soon. To avoid risks, nothing likes a fluid communication with the doctor.

https://www.babaramdevmedicines.com/ramdev-yoga/yoga-for-asthma.htm - Information on How to prevent asthma attacks and Natural Cure for Asthma. And more about men health product.